

Ethnic or Cultural Groups


Students celebrate Holi, an important Hindu tradition also called the festival of colors, this Saturday in the MAC quad. This event, hosted annually by Harvard Dharma, celebrates the coming of spring with the rang, in which students throw painted powder at each other.

Ethnic or Cultural Groups


Students celebrate Holi, an important Hindu tradition also called the festival of colors, this Saturday in the MAC quad. This event, hosted annually by Harvard Dharma, celebrates the coming of spring with the rang, in which students throw painted powder at each other.

Student Life

Flyby's Guide to Spring Runs

It's finally spring: The snow is disappearing, the Charles is no longer frozen, and you can actually wear shorts outside without fear of frostbite. Celebrate the 50, and dare we say 60, degree weather with a jog outdoors, unencumbered by layers of cold gear and fleece. To get started, here are some running routes, all of which begin at the Curious George store in Harvard Square:

Spring Break

Spring Break Postcard: On Train Tracks

There are no welcome signs when the train crosses the border, or at least none that I can see.

Spring Break: Anne Power
Spring Break

Spring Break Postcard: Southern Living Edition

Down a dusty highway bordered by sugar cane fields, down a long driveway edged with stately oaks, lies the land that time forgot.

Spring Break: Anne Power
Spring Break

Spring Break: Anne Power

Spring break journal


How 'Bout Them Red Sox?

April 9 marked a big day for Boston sports. A hundred (and one) years ago, the Red Sox played their first-ever home game against none other than the Harvard Crimson. Ever since the Red Sox beat Harvard during Fenway's inaugural game, students have been trying to get their hands on Red Sox tickets. For baseball fans hoping to watch a home-run soar over the Green Monster this season, Flyby has you covered.

Children in the Commons

Children in the Commons

As Boston warms up in the spring, children, accompanied by their parents, head to Cambridge Commons to play. On Saturday, children played games and bounced on an inflatable house, before heading to their favorite playground.



Student Life

Eggcited for Easter

Are you nostalgic for those Easter Sunday mornings when you raced your siblings to find the last hidden egg?

Springtime in Cambridge

Springtime in Cambridge

Spring Fashion DOs and DON'Ts
For The Moment

Welcome to Spring

Springtime in Cambridge

Springtime in Cambridge

Springtime in Cambridge

Springtime in Cambridge

Springtime in Cambridge

Springtime in Cambridge
