Crimson staff writer

Xinni (Sunshine) Chen

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The ‘Necessary Evil’ of Computer Science 124

Most students aren’t taking Computer Science 124: Data Structures and Algorithms for pride. They’re taking it to fulfill the computer science concentration’s Algorithms requirement. Hence the course’s description as “a necessary evil” in the Q Guide.

Harvard FAS Increases Climate-Related Courses Following 2022 Report

Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences has increased the number of climate-related courses across several disciplines and departments in recent years, following University-wide efforts to expand climate change-related courses in Harvard’s curriculum.

Harvard Salata Institute Seed Grant Program Funds 27 Climate Research Projects

The Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability is funding a new cohort of eight research projects through its Seed Grant Program, joining 19 other Harvard-based projects that have received funding this academic year.

Harvard Climate Advocates Cautiously Optimistic After Release of Climate Report

Harvard affiliates gave mixed reactions to Harvard Management Company’s publication of its annual climate report. The report, released last week, details a drop in the Harvard fossil fuel investments, which are now less than 2 percent of the endowment.

Find My Privacy

I curiously monitored my friend’s profile as they traveled to Berg for lunch, boarded the bus to the Science and Engineering Complex for computer science, and attended a party on Friday night. It felt like voyeurism in the digital age — eerie, intimate, and startlingly addictive.

Rationality and Religion at The Social Ethics Museum

Many of the museum collections showcased mass suffering and hardship. However, Peabody hoped that the museum would elicit sympathy rather than pity, and lead students towards a moral life centered around helping the less fortunate.