Crimson staff writer

Natalie duP. C. Panno

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Mother-Daughter Maelstrom in Bechdel’s Latest Memoir

Depicting purely mental sequences in a predominantly visual format like that of a graphic novel is never an easy task, and Alison Bechdel sets a high bar for herself in her carefully-constructed, cerebral memoir, “Are You My Mother?”

'Habibi' Gracefully Subverts Orientalist Tropes

At times "Habibi" resembles an Orientalist pastiche stuffed with odalisques and eunuchs, but its scholarly reinterpretation of Abrahamic tales from the Koran turns this saga into a lush commentary on love and lust, wealth and want, religion and storytelling.

Stuck In Traffic, Kalesniko Envisions Fears and Dreams

There is something satisfying about a road narrative; it’s an ancient trope, hinting of westward expansion and independence, fast cars and tragic youth. The antithesis of this would naturally be the traffic narrative, which is unpopular for obvious reasons. Mark Kelesniko’s new graphic novel, “Freeway,” is that narrative.


This 50s-style restaurant near the Kendall Square Cinema—whose waiters are less Beat than hipster and whose soundtrack is more OK ...

Lab Rat of the Week: Vijay Jain '11

Vijay Jain ’11 has found a medium in which he can combine his two loves, chemistry and physics—he researches the effect of magnets on chemicals on the nano scale, looking to see how physical forces can influence chemical reactivity.

Lab Rat of the Week: Vijay Jain '11

Vijay Jain ’11 has found a medium in which he can combine his two loves, chemistry and physics.

Senior’s Summa Hits The Shelves

While most senior theses sit untouched on the shelves of Lamont after they’ve been turned in, Chloë F. Schama ’05 ...