375th Anniversary

Magic, Magic, Magic

I think we all stopped at one point or another and looked up at the tower of Mem Church, thanking our lucky stars that we go to school at such a crazy, historic, beautiful, vaguely ridiculous place filled with incredible people.

Q&A with Larry Summers

Former Harvard University President and current economics professor Lawrence H. Summers sat down with The Crimson to discuss Harvard’s 375th birthday, the importance of virtual learning, and changes the University might face soon.

Kissinger Reminisces at Harvard

Former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger ’50 returned to his alma mater Wednesday to tell stories of negotiating with China’s Mao Tse-tung and of secretly harboring a cocker spaniel, Smoky, in his Claverly dorm room.

Tatar Discusses Development of Fairy Tales

Professor Maria Tatar, the chair of the Committee on Degrees in Folklore and Mythology, noted the historical evolution of fairy tales in a lecture Thursday at the Dudley branch of the Boston Public Library in Roxbury.

Free Public Library Lectures with Steven Pinker, Drew Faust, and More

We may be well into 2012, but Harvard's 375th Anniversary celebration is far from over. As part of the festivities, Harvard has announced the John Harvard Book Celebration, a series of lectures at Cambridge and Boston Public Libraries that are free and open to the public.

President Drew Gilpin Faust moderates a conversation about the creation of Nixon in China, an opera created by three Harvard alumni, John Adams '69, AM'72, Alice Goodman '80, and Peter Sellars '80.

Rebel With a Cause

In the night, 300 students gather in front of the Loeb House, home of then-University President Nathan M. Pusey ’28, and look on as Michael Kazin ’70 affixes a list of demands to the door.

Fair Harvard: Staff Editorial

At Harvard's 375th anniversary, this is the theme we celebrate the most: Harvard’s ability to inspire for the better both American society in general and its individual graduates.

The Puritan President

In 1673, Harvard was facing a succession crisis. Harvard had been established just 37 years earlier, and, in the winter of 1673, it faced one of the most serious threats in its early history.

An Advocate for Change

In 1883, Elizabeth Cary Agassiz asked the Massachusetts elite to donate to her controversial cause of ladies’ education.

'Against the Root of Privilege'

On December 2, 1942, James Bryant Conant received a phone call from prominent physicist Arthur Compton.

Making Out a President's Character

Hopes were high for Abbot Lawrence Lowell in 1909, as he stood poised to replace Charles W. Eliot, class of 1853, as president of Harvard.

"In Harvard, But Not Of It"

Though Du Bois was one of Harvard University’s most dedicated advocates and most esteemed graduates, Harvard never quite welcomed him into the fold.

Harvard and the Fabric of a Nation

As America’s star has begun to dim and other countries are diluting United States’ influence on the international stage, will Harvard’s fate be once again entwined with America’s?

Through the Outsider’s Eyes

At the University’s 375th anniversary, the history of that “tribe of undesirables” includes the narratives of Native Americans, African-Americans, Jews, women, homosexuals, and many others historically excluded from University life.

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