For The Moment
Christmas Dinner
Christmas dinner at my grandparent's, or Oma and Opa's, house included gouda cheese, crackers, and smoked bluefish dip as appetizers, along with decorated sugar cookies, chocolate truffles, and homemade chocolate cheesecake with blackberries as dessert.
The Crimson Weatherboard’s Weekly Weather Review
It’s not easy to admit it when you’re wrong. It’s not easy to do one armed pull ups.
Tell Me a Story: Joseph A. Fabiano
This week, FM searched Harvard’s halls for a story from the lives of the men and women who make the university run smoothly from day to day. Fabiano, a security guard, has been employed by Securitas for 10 years. FM simply asked him to tell a story.
FM Gift Guide
It’s that time of year again. The Christmas lights are up, the red and green sweaters are out, and stores everywhere are throwing year-end sales. Haven’t you bought your gifts yet? No need to fret. FM’s got you covered.
Juice Box
With both the holidays and finals approaching, FM is combining our traditional Jukebox and Drinky Drink features into a tasty Juice Box. Pour yourself a drink to help you get through your projects, papers, and predicaments while still getting into the holiday spirit—no straw required.
How to Get a Date to Formal in the Style of...
Listen, college girl, the formal is on Saturday. The world is 50 percent men, 50 percent women. I’ll probably only meet a small portion of that number, but since you and I have a class together, we’re going to date because that’s how this world works.
Weather Report: Rating the Clouds in Cloud Atlas
With another hot flick about clouds hitting the big screen this fall, FM took the opportunity to cast a critical eye on clouds featured in the new motion picture “Cloud Atlas.”
A Strongly Worded Open Letter to the President of the United States
It’s been a day, Mr. President, but you have yet to fulfill any of your so-called “campaign promises.”
On Saturday, They Shimmied: Scenes from Campus Nightlife
FM sends the weekend at Sigma Chi and in cages in Winthrop Dining Hall. The Harvard social scene has never felt so...classy.
Outside the Square: A CaffeiNation
With the academic energy on campus at its second-round-of-midterms high, a stroll around the Square can be comforting—if you can avoid bumping into tour guides donning eighteenth century garb and don’t mind waiting 20 minutes to drop $6 on Starbucks drip coffee.
Venn Diagram: No Shave November and National Novel Writing Month
Both: Sometimes done with a group, Product comes from within...
Imagined Commentary: Famous Alums Review The Game
Mark Zuckerberg: The Game? Wait, you’re not talking about FarmVille? Oh, right. That game, Harvard-Yale.
Good Trend Alert: Spikeball
The first few games are uneventful; rules are learned and mistakes made. But soon things start to change.
Hey, Professor!
Last week, Harvard PhD candidate Viridiana Rios and the Kennedy school’s Michele Coscia, a post-doc fellow at the Center for International Development, unveiled a new program that sorts through Google news results to track the movement of drug cartels in Mexico.
The Crimson Weatherboard’s Weekly Weather Review
I no longer know what to believe in. One day, glorious winter is upon us, sheathing us in a cold white burrito wrap and masking the falseness that lies beneath in the austere perfection of thinglessness. Rarely has my heart been as thrilled as when I saw the world reduced to this.
The Game: TS Eliot
November is the cruelest month, breeding Yalies out of the far-flung dung, mixing Bulldogs and good Pilgrims, stirring False hope with the smell of ambition.
Swim, Alex M. Meyer, Swim!
After competing in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Alex M. Meyer ’10 has come full circle (made a complete lap?) in his swimming career, returning to Harvard to train with and coach for the men’s swimming and diving team.