Bridgerton Season Two: Characters As Harvard Students
Dearest Reader,
As of Friday, March 25, 2022, the second social season of “Bridgerton” has begun. With love webs, scandals, and new and old faces alike, there inevitably comes drama, procrastination on p-sets, and efforts to ignore Canvas notifications. This season, our most notable additions (and South Asian queens) are Kate and Edwina Sharma, the latter being the Queen’s appointed diamond.
Read on to hear about what kind of Harvard student the “Bridgerton” characters would be. Tread lightly, however, as there may be spoilers ahead.
Viscount Anthony Bridgerton
Anthony, the Ec Bro to end all Ec Bros, constantly tries to justify his certified-snaky concentration by complaining how much pressure he feels knowing he will be inheriting his family’s extremely wealthy consulting firm. In addition, Anthony has the incessant need to glare at every woman who crosses his path because no one can give unsolicited investment advice like he can. Nevertheless, he gets aways with it because he’s actually quite hot.
Kate Sharma
Kate studies engineering or CS because she’s a STEM queen, but also just to spite the males in the field. She’s obviously at the top of her class and is not afraid to confront anyone who questions her abilities. She out-sections section kid and confidently calls people out for their BS. In her free time, she likes to hit the gym and out-bench every man in the weight room.
Edwina Sharma
Edwina came to Harvard believing she wanted to go into Economics, meet a nice Finance Bro (like Anthony), and become a rich housewife. Plot twist, her family actually influenced her to study Ec, and she was just drinking the Kool-aid without thinking much of it. She decides that she needs to think for herself and switches to Comparative Literature because she is fluent in many languages anyway and loves reading. She also chooses an Education secondary because she realizes her worth and now dreams of opening her own school to teach kids how to be strong and independent.
Eloise Bridgerton
Eloise concentrates in Women, Gender, and Sexuality with a secondary in Philosophy. She is the ultimate girlboss, with her independent spirit and fiery passion for women’s rights, organizing forums and panels for like-minded students. She’s not the most outspoken student in class, but she is always judging the men.
Colin Birdgerton
Colin is an academic sophomore but a social senior who is either studying abroad or taking gap semesters. He probably has been present on campus for a total of two semesters throughout his time at Harvard. He’s changed his concentration 5 times and counting. He also can’t stop thinking about that one girl from his Stat class last semester who seemed to have had a crush on him. In reality, she was just giving him attention so she could get p-set help, and now she’s dating someone else. He constantly complains to his girl best friend, who is in fact secretly in love with him, about how “nice guys always finish last.”
Benedict Bridgerton
Benedict was, until recently, the one TDM concentrator in his class. He is the embodiment of “here for a good time, not a long time.” He has now decided to drop out of Harvard after realizing that his family made a donation to the school which secured his place (no wonder there was a building that shared his last name). Good for him, though, school was just holding him back, anyway.
Penelope Featherington
Penelope’s passions consist of hearing, discussing, and spreading the latest news gossip. She’s heavily involved in The Crimson, The Advocate, and every other publication on campus. She is also the moderator of Crimson Confessions. In her free time, she loves to sit in the dhalls and listen in on people’s conversations (leave it to her to know the latest tea). No one really knows what she is concentrating in, but it’s probably something writing related… we think!
Duchess Daphne Bridgerton
Daphne is the ultimate wing-woman and enjoys supporting her friends’ love lives. She is in an extremely committed long-term relationship with her uber rich boyfriend (she’s, like, basically married), and they just celebrated their anniversary. She is a Psychology concentrator for the sole purpose of being able to psychoanalyze the people that her friends are going out with so she can tell them when they can do better.
So, gentle reader, prepare for a season of much scandal as some of our characters find themselves in promising circumstances while others find themselves compromised. P-sets and essays can wait, but this season is truly something you don’t want to miss.
Yours Truly,
Lady Whistledown