Flyby’s Roundup of the Craziest Q Guide Comments

After the remarkable chaos that was fall semester, we flocked home with a new sense of perspective, knowledge, and perhaps more prominently, trauma. Like any good Harvard student (as if we had any choice), we took our thoughts to the one, the only, Q Guide. Later, while trying to enjoy the final moments of our winter break, Sidechat broke loose as word had spread that the long awaited Q Guide comments were released for this past semester — and I, for one, was thoroughly amused.
Beyond the insight and trauma dumps that the Q Guide offers, it also provides the beauty of anonymity, meaning all comments are as honest as it can get. Here are some of the wildest, unhinged, untamed, unfiltered comments from none other than your own peers who survived these classes. Who knows — that random person you routinely pass in the Yard could be the very victim author of these comments!
“Get help before you get sad” - LS1B
This one hits a little too close to home. As a potential bio concentrator myself (it’s not looking too hot right now), I learned this lesson far too late in the semester. I cannot fathom how sad the pre-med breed has felt before getting help, or if they ever even got help. This is your sign!
“You will be maiden-less. If you have a significant other they will be complaining about all the time they are spending away from you and then break up with you. And then you will be maiden-less as well.” - CS124
Being maiden-less is perhaps the scariest threat in this age. But then again, maybe it’s just the life of a CS concentrator.
“Switch to econ” - LS1A
This is every STEM major after every midterm. In the semester of STEM classes I’ve taken so far, I can say that I’ve contemplated becoming an Econ concentrator more often than I have contemplated spending more money at CVS, a.k.a. far too many times. I did not choose the sell-out life, the sell-out life chose me!
“To get the most out of this class, commit to the “Cult50”; i.e., going to CS50 Lunches, CS50 Hackathon, CS50 study breaks with friends, and making memes of Professor Malan in the cold darkness of your dorm room.” - CS50
In my small public high school, David Malan was a celebrity. We followed along with his online CS50 course during AP Computer Science Principles and ate up the theatrical productions of it all. CS50 has garnered quite a reputation, I’d say even a cult following, and this seems to be true — even if the cult spends most of their time in the “cold darkness of your dorm room” which is not depressing at all.
“if you take it with friends, it’s honestly a crack up and you will learn to love it but the first half is pain and suffering. then they trick you into love with the bbq at the end. honestly i loved this course. but i also hated it and it made me cry. but i’d do it again” - ASTRON2
What a ride! Celestial Navigation definitely received some chatter this past semester, and after reading this, I understand why. To take, or not to take this class, that is the question. Genuinely. I can’t tell if this class is being recommended or not but then again, they give you barbecue…
“This course being taught at Harvard is an embarrassment to John Harvard himself, who is probably rolling over in his grave over how terribly-taught this course is.” - STAT104
In a battle between this comment roasting Stat104 or Stat104 doing John Harvard dirty, I truly would not be able to choose a winner. Let Mr. Harvard rest in peace!
“Taking this course is like hooking up with someone who’s bad at sex” - LS1B
Is any elaboration needed?
So, as we venture bravely into this upcoming Spring semester and scramble to uproot our schedules too many times before the Add/Drop deadline (January 29!), I hope you have gathered some inspiration from these comments. And I truly hope that none of your classes leave you maiden-less.