Crimson opinion writer

Matthew E. Nekritz

Latest Content

A Year After October 7th, What We Still Won’t Say

As I reflect on a year filled with pleas for dialogue and pedantic editorializing about “discourse,” I am struck by what many, including those leading our Jewish communities, still won’t say.

Student Organizers Must Learn From The Nightmare At Columbia

Pro-Palestine student organizers must commit to these values. Otherwise, they risk repeats of the failures at Columbia, undermining their movement, and making their Jewish peers unsafe in the process.

Cannabis Cambridge, Humbug Harvard

Tutors, proctors, deans, tattletale peers, even HUPD officers: If you see something or smell something, choose not to say something.

Instagram, Infographics, and The Information We Consume

Given the recent crises in the Middle East, and subsequently on our campus, I have become acutely aware of the information I consume and where it comes from, especially on social media.

Beyond Bourdain: Disassembling the Meat-Eater’s Anti-Vegan Bias

Vegan and vegetarian food absolutely can be, should be, and often is incredibly tasty when given the same attention and care as meat dishes. We should all be saying “yes” to more meatless options, more often, and saying no to the built in meat-eater bias that rejects a food just because it’s labeled with a “V.”

SENIOR SALE: Clearing Closet and Conscience

For the sake of our environment and culture, we should undoubtedly think more about fulfilling our community needs before haphazardly throwing used goods up for sale. But at their best, senior sales hold a glimmer of hope for building a more sustainable culture on our campus.