Contributing writer

Neeraja S. Kumar

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‘Appalling’: Keynote Speaker at Legacy of Slavery Symposium Calls for Faster Repatriation of Indigenous Remains

Tara Houska, a tribal attorney and activist who served as the keynote speaker during the second day of Harvard’s Legacy of Slavery Symposium, condemned the University’s continued possession of Indigenous objects and ancestral remains during an interview following the event.

‘A Joke’: Nikole Hannah-Jones Says Harvard Should Spend More on Legacy of Slavery Initiative

Nikole Hannah-Jones, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and creator of the 1619 Project, slammed Harvard’s $100 million commitment to its Legacy of Slavery initiative as “a joke” during her keynote talk at a University symposium on Tuesday evening.

An ‘Urgent Need’: Professors Call for Renovations to Harvard-Yenching Library

Earlier this month, Harvard announced plans to renovate four major libraries ahead of the University’s 400th anniversary. But some said the Harvard-Yenching Library, which was absent from the list, is in critical need of repair.