




IOP Tumblr Presents Candid Pics of Cardboard Candidates

What if you walked into Felipe's for your casual 1:00 a.m. burrito and found Mitt Romney and Barack Obama each polishing off a bowl of guac? As Obama and Romney duke it out in the battleground states, it's easy to feel ignored in the decidedly blue state of Massachusetts. Hoping to keep political enthusiasm high on campus, the undergraduate organization Election Central has turned to some unconventional means—namely, cardboard cutouts of Romney and Obama and a Tumblr page following their adventures in Cambridge.



Jeffrey Toobin '82 delivers the Robert C. Cobb, Sr. Memorial Lecture, entitled "The Obama White House vs. the Supreme Court" at Sanders Theatre on Thursday. He lectured about the role of the Supreme Court during the recent past, dazzling the crowd with his extensive knowledge and biting humor.



Jeffrey Toobin '82 delivers the Robert C. Cobb, Sr. Memorial Lecture, entitled "The Obama White House vs. the Supreme Court" at Sanders Theatre on Thursday. He lectured about the role of the Supreme Court during the recent past, dazzling the crowd with his extensive knowledge and biting humor.


Students Partake In Debate Viewing

More than 700 Harvard students crammed into bleachers and stairwells at the Institute of Politics to watch Wednesday’s presidential debate between President Barack Obama and Republican Nominee Mitt Romney, the first of a series of opportunities for the two candidates to defend their platform positions.


Putin, Hello Kitty, and 'Boston Cream Thigh'

Only in Taiwan: Jeremy Lin ’10 dressed up as Hello Kitty and exited his hotel undetected.

Warren State Primary Vote

Today in Photos (09/07/12)

DNC Watch Party

DNC Watch Party

The JFK Jr. Forum at the Institute of Politics was packed with students, especially freshmen, who gathered there to watch President Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention.

Student Life

At DNC, Harvard Affiliates Speak, Intern, and Cheer

From Michelle Obama and Deval Patrick ’78, who spoke Tuesday, to Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth Warren on Wednesday, to President Obama on Thursday, the political stage—draped in Democratic blue—has no shortage of crimson.


Sunstein To Return to HLS from D.C.

Cass R. Sunstein '75 will return to Harvard Law School in August after a three-year stint as President Barack Obama's regulatory chief, White House and Law School officials announced Friday.


Using Google to Track Racism

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, a Harvard doctoral candidate in economics, recently wrote a paper which uses data from Google searches as a gauge of racial attitudes in the United States.


Summers Addresses Controversial Statement About Bush-Era Tax Cuts

Former University president Larry H. Summers stirred up controversy earlier this week after his statements on a morning talk show seemed to contradict U.S. president Barack Obama's position on Bush-era tax cuts.

Barack Obama
Harvard in the World

Obama's Jokes from the Correspondents' Dinner

On Saturday, President Barack H. Obama spoke at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. Flyby has the roundup of Obama's five best jokes of the evening—including a quip about how his and Mitt Romney's Harvard experiences differed, and why this might be relevant in November.


Harvard on the Campaign Trail

Harvard, as an institution and as a symbol, has been a regular topic of discussion—or object of derision—in the 2012 presidential contest. Flyby brings you some of the most notable mentions of fair Harvard on the campaign trail.


Warren Lands Supporting Role In Obama Documentary

What do Academy Award Winners Davis Guggenheim and Tom Hanks have in common with Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Warren? All three have a hand in a soon-to-be released documentary highlighting the challenges of President Barack Obama's first term in office.
