Why Bartley’s Sucks
Sawalla J. Guseh ’06
Bartley’s burgers aren’t even the best on Mass. Ave. I’d rather eat a burger at McDonald’s at closing time than eat at Bartley’s. When I order a quarter-pounder with cheese or a triple-bacon deluxe, I know what I’m getting. I don’t want to have to order a “Shirley Temple” just to get curly fries. I don’t need themes. I need meat. Why spend good money at Bartley’s for the same fried meat and potatoes that I can get for half as much at Wendy’s? And do you know what Wendy’s themes are? Biggie. Great Biggie. I’m not paying for wit, I’m paying for beef. Plus, I’m just not into all the frills of Bartley’s decor. If I wanted to stare at licence plates while I ate, I’d go to the drive-thru.
Why Bartley’s Rocks
Jennifer A. Stolper ’05
How can you not want to eat at a place that smells that good? There’s no other place in Massachusetts where I’d rather get a burger. Bartley’s burgers are huge, so it makes sense for them to charge more. I think the nostalgic, cluttered atmosphere is kind of funny, and it doesn’t distract me at all. I usually just order what I want, and it tends to fit in with one of their personalities, so I just ignore all the different names of the burgers. I don’t know why people complain about the waitstaff. I don’t think they’re that weird. My only gripe is that they should stay open later on weekdays.