Summer Postcard
Summer in Boston 2014
A collection of photographs of life in and around Boston made by Crimson photographers during the summer of 2014.
Some Like It Hot (And Heady): A Night Out in Denton
As the sound of a classical violinist busking across the street floats to me through the warm air, it occurs to me that this sign captures Denton pretty well. Sure, the town has its established acts and its micro-scenes. And if you want to make it, you obviously have to be good. But outside of that, there really aren’t any rules. In such a small town, with such a dedicated group of listeners who recognize that they have something special here, there’s nothing stopping anyone from picking up a drum—or a guitar, or a keyboard, or a microphone—and joining in.
Broadway Revival of "Death of a Salesman" Wins Over Critics and Audiences
Arts summer columnist Virginia R. Marshall shares with us the dramatic adventure that is Mike Nichols' Broadway revival of "Death of a Salesman"
Old Bones
The past, it seems, is always present here. It’s in the reconstructed ruins of the Roman gymnasium and the re-laid mosaics of the synagogue, and it’s in those piles of rubble that won’t ever again see their marvelous heights.
Summer Postcards 2012
Interactive graphic of summer postcards for 2012. We'll be uploading new postcards every week so keep checking back!
Summer Postcard: The Kumasi Markets
One Crimson editor documents her experience in the markets of Kumasi, Ghana. This video was produced as part of an internship for Students of the World.
POSTCARD: What We Want
Baseball is a game of regret. No one knows this more than the European baseball player.
POSTCARD: Disconnecting the Dots
I sat awkwardly, trying to think of an answer to a question I had now been asked one too many times: “How are you going to integrate your summer experience into your life at Harvard and beyond?”
POSTCARD: The Brain Drain, Neo-Colonial Style
But if Pedro’s conception of the brain drain in reverse is that which applies to all former expatriates and their descendants who return to this country, then Equatorial Guinea ought not to rejoice anytime soon.
POSTCARD: (Scatological) Crimes and Misdemeanors
On 79th street, opposite New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s townhouse, over 50 people stood chanting behind a police line: “The blood; the blood; the blood is on your hands!” The blood they lamented was that of geese.
POSTCARD: It Takes a Village
It’s an interesting idea, representing the essence of a culture through the books on your shelves
POSTCARD: Mourning Venice
What will happen now that Venice is a city that lives by parodying itself? Can it survive as a viable, living city?
Crimson Summer Postcards 2010
Follow The Crimson's editors as they travel around the world this summer!
A sign in the China Provinces pavilion introduces its Western province of Xinjiang as "a harmonious land." Xinjiang has been a site of tension between Uyghur and Han Chinese, reaching a height in the July 2009 ethnic conflict. Since then there has been tighter government control of the region, including stricter controls on its Internet.
POSTCARD: Valley of the Ashes
Nevertheless, the question still remains: how, in a nation so conscious of its past, can Drancy be allowed to be what it is today, a home as any other?
POSTCARD: The Best Thing Ever
In that spirit, I decided that damn it, I was going to enjoy our excursion to Walden Pond.