


From A Distance

Comedian and teacher Tom Lehrer’s influence goes beyond the invention of the Jell-O shot and the composition of “Fight Fiercely, Harvard.” More than fifty years after his matriculation in Cambridge, Lehrer remains an icon of satirical music.

Higher Education

Moulding Minds

Samuel T. Moulton ’01, director of educational research and assessment at the Harvard Initiative for Learning and Teaching, is not averse to a little battiness.

In The Meantime

Back to School: Hitting the Books, 15 Years Later

Alina I. Lazar's story is in some ways circular—it begins and ends with books—but spliced in between are 12 years of a path that privileged on-the-ground action over words on a page.


Riding on the Past

“My faith is not ashamed of me. The God I understand is not ashamed of me. Or the people that I work with. I don’t think that there are more gut-real stronger people than the ones you meet on the street. They sure know how to survive the un-survivable.”


3 PM: Dorm Crew

“When I was a freshman doing Fall Clean-Up, one of the captains told me about someone who had a pet rabbit or something, and then just kept all of its waste in a drawer."

Most Powerful Man in Cambridge
Harvard in the City

The Most Powerful Man in Cambridge

Through three decades of skillful maneuverings, mostly separated from the political fray, Healy has weathered municipal ups and downs in his efforts to maintain financial stability and promote human services.


Jennifer M. Granholm

The movement for divestment—which raised tensions between students and the University during the 1980s—was a defining part of Jennifer M. Granholm’s experience at Harvard Law School, and helped to shape the advocate and political figure she would become.

Men's Ice Hockey

Peter E. Chiarelli

After 25 years of waiting for his trophy, Chiarelli led the Boston Bruins to win the Stanley Cup in 2011.


Rosa Gumataotao Rios

As soon as Philip Wilder, a social studies teacher at Moreau Catholic High School in Hayward, Calif., discovered that his ...


Shaun L. Donovan

When Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun L. Donovan ’87 returns to campus for his class reunion, he and ...


Michael M. Lynton

Devoted to both his academics and ever expanding social network, Lynton has drawn upon his internationally minded attitude, charismatic personality, and passion for business to become a leader within the technology and entertainment industries.


Peter D. Sagal

Sagal, now the host of NPR’s popular news game show, “Wait Wait...Don’t Tell Me,” never intended to be a radio host. But, after spending a decade writing plays, scripts, and screenplays, and taking odd jobs, Sagal landed at the helm of the show.


Schoolhouse Rock

John T. Hamilton has the studied look of the stereotypical Harvard professor. But for Hamilton, academia was an afterthought—during the first fifteen years of his adult life, he wrote, performed, and recorded rock music.

Harvard Square


Harvard Square

Square Personality: Adam S. Hirsch

He begins by talking about his family. “My wife is Jamie and we have three kids,” he says, spelling out each name. “Our eldest, Aiden (‘e-n’) is seven. We have two girls that are five, Addison and Emerson. We live in Roslindale and for a little while now we were looking for a business to call our own.”
