Crimson staff writer

Dannie C. Bell

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Edible and Edifying Art

Khachadurian uses food, a marker of privilege often overlooked by those who have it, to create artwork that demonstrates her passion for various social causes, ranging from fair trade to increasing access to clean drinking water.

Skipping the Small Talk

At the ring of the bell, Kirsner gives her official welcome, inviting everyone to be more vulnerable than they normally would. She speaks to the importance of having compassion for ourselves and others. She mentions how, in her five years of hosting these events, there has not been one reported regret of sharing too much.

The Surprising Origins of Emotion

The brain is “making thousands of guesses at the same time,” Barrett tells us, and she argues that emotions are guesses too. When you feel something in your body — a racing heart, sweaty palms — your brain has to predict its cause: Is it love at first sight, or test anxiety?

A Godzilla Crash Course

What do Hello Kitty, Astro Boy, and Pokémon all have in common? Godzilla paved the way for them to cross the sea from Japan and make waves in the United States, says William M. Tsutsui ’85, a visiting professor of Japanese Studies and East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard. For Tsutsui, Godzilla has been a source of inspiration for almost his entire life.

The Man Behind Safe Walks, Street Riders and a Hit Alicia Keys Remix

Peter W. Kerre is a well-known DJ, activist, community organizer, cybersecurity expert, and student at the Harvard Extension School who this summer led over 10,000 bike-riders on a BLM protest through the streets of New York City.

Active Minds Opens New Chapter at Harvard

Alton and Wang brought a chapter of Active Minds to Harvard to address students' mental health concerns during the pandemic and to fill the role left behind by Harvard's temporarily unavailable peer health education groups.

"Let Musicians Work Outside for 1 Month Before the Long Winter"

On the website of The Jungle Music Club, a live music venue in Somerville, Mass., is a petition written by owner and co-manager Sam J. Epstein. “Let musicians work outside for 1 month before the long winter,” it reads.