
Emerson L. Giese

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Awkward Freshman Moments

We all remember freshman year. Your young, hopeful self, so full of optimism and excitement, not yet aware of the sometimes less-than-appealing Berg food (can we please have another conversation about grapes on pizza?!), the endless p-sets, and the insane amount of time spent in Lamont crying. Some of us probably wish we could go back to our optimistic, naive freshman self. Others of us, well, we remember the less commemorable aspects of freshman year that easily alleviate any FOMO we might have. Here are a few awkward freshman moments we should all be grateful to be rid of…

Mather House

Welcome to Mather House! The Concrete Jungle. Huge singles. Lots of windows. Great people. The stomping grounds of both Conan O’Brian and Cornel West. Or, as HoCo co-chair Anna G. Dean ’25 would say, “Crazy lit movie.” In addition to its quirky exterior, its culture, community and atmosphere makes Mather House a Mather Home.

Trenches flowchart

Trenches flowchart

How To: Saltburn Your Way Into A Relationship

The dating pool (or should I say bathtub?) is shallow, and anything would be better than yet another lonely Valentine’s Day. A recent film gave a step-by-step set of instructions on how to make a relationship happen, and maybe more?