

On Campus


Kim (Mary Hallowell) is forced by her abusive boyfriend, Scott (Will Kehler) to drink a pot of old coffee.

On Campus


Frankie (Omar Cancio) siezes the moment and kisses Kim (Mary Hallowell) duirng the one act play, Affordable Rates and Color TV, directed by Andy J. Boyd ‘14.



A little-known occupant of the Adams House basement, this manual printing press is available to students and faculty alike on Thursday evenings during Open Press Nights.

On Campus


Co-producer Katherine Price and Lighting Designer Rossi Walter cue a blackout during the show, which was held in the Adams Pool Theater this weekend.

Dorm Decorating Workshop
Student Life

Dorm Decorating Workshop

In an effort to help students fill the bare walls of their rooms, the Harvard College Art Society held a dorm-decorating workshop in Adams Art Studio. Check out this video to see what they worked on.


Syringes Shooting Up in Adams Dishroom

The Adams House dining hall staff has encountered some thorny problems in the past few days: syringes left on trays in the dishroom.



Dorm decoration at the Women's Center
Visual Arts

Dorm Decoration for Art Novices and Masters Alike

As co-president of the Harvard College Art Society, she is helping to run a studio party this Friday where attendees can craft their own dorm decorations.

House Life

Palfrey To Head Up First Lady’s Initiative

Adams House Master and Harvard Medical School Professor of Pediatrics Judith S. “Judy” Palfrey ’67 has been named Executive Director of Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” Initiative, the White House announced on Friday.

On Campus

Week in Photos: Arts (04/19/2011)

On Campus


Clowns on stilts provide entertainment at the Adams Masters' 250th year anniversary celebration.

On Campus


The Adams' Masters' house 250th anniversary, held in the Adams courtyard, is a carnival celebration complete with clowns, a petting zoo and delicious food. Here, Antone Martinho '13 takes a hand in feeding a goat.

On Campus

Zombies, Spoons, and Water Guns—House Games Abound

If you suddenly find yourself in the midst of a vicious water gun fight on Mt. Auburn Street, or if you happen to witness fellow students wielding plastic spoons like grenades, do not fear; you are not crazy and these events really are taking place.



The Harvard Ballroom Dance Team presents "Just Dance" for students in their social classes and members of the Harvard community. Violet Li '14 and William Chen '14 enjoy the event's swing dancing lesson.

Glee Pianist Brad Ellis
On Campus

‘Glee’ Composer Shares Life

Acclaimed Glee pianist, Brad Ellis, spoke in the Adams LCR yesterday about his experiences in the music industry.
