Michéle Flournoy, Stephen Hadley, and Tziporah Livni discuss the stability of United States-Israeli relations. Hadley asserts that the relationship is grounded in support from both parties.

Michéle Flournoy, Stephen Hadley, and Tziporah Livni discuss the stability of United States-Israeli relations. Hadley asserts that the relationship is grounded in support from both parties.

IOP Tumblr Presents Candid Pics of Cardboard Candidates

What if you walked into Felipe's for your casual 1:00 a.m. burrito and found Mitt Romney and Barack Obama each polishing off a bowl of guac? As Obama and Romney duke it out in the battleground states, it's easy to feel ignored in the decidedly blue state of Massachusetts. Hoping to keep political enthusiasm high on campus, the undergraduate organization Election Central has turned to some unconventional means—namely, cardboard cutouts of Romney and Obama and a Tumblr page following their adventures in Cambridge.

Anne-Marie Slaughter speaks on the balance between open and closed media. Once a professor at Harvard Law School, she is now the Bert G. Kerstetter University Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University.

Students Partake In Debate Viewing

More than 700 Harvard students crammed into bleachers and stairwells at the Institute of Politics to watch Wednesday’s presidential debate between President Barack Obama and Republican Nominee Mitt Romney, the first of a series of opportunities for the two candidates to defend their platform positions.

Register to Vote!

For most college students, logistical hassles can be a barrier to registering to vote. With deadlines for registration rapidly approaching, the Institute of Politics has partnered with TurboVote, a company developed by two Kennedy School alums that offers online voter registration, to streamline the process. With TurboVote, students can simply fill out a digital form to register to vote in any state, get an absentee ballot, or re-register in Massachusetts after registering in another state. (All students are eligible to register in Massachusetts but must do so by Oct. 17.) It's convenient enough to do from the comfort of your own dorm room.

Mark D. McKinnon

In this mini-series, Flyby will profile one of the seven fall 2012 IOP Fellows each week. This week: Mark D. McKinnon. The first thing you might notice about IOP Fellow Mark D. McKinnon is his sense of style. From his trademark cowboy hat and panuelo scarf, the man who was President George W. Bush's communications strategist stands out in a world of plain black suits.

De Kirchner Has Landed

President of Argentina Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner enters the JFK Jr. Forum on Thursday evening. During her lecture, Kircher touched on the controversial policies that she has supported as President, including Argentina's growing protectionism.

Aung San Suu Kyi

Aung San Suu Kyi spoke about the development of democracy in Burma at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum in 2012.

His excellency Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorg, President of Mongolia and HKS '02, makes a public address about Mongolia's peaceful transition into capitalism and Democracy at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum on Friday, September 21.

His excellency Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorg, President of Mongolia and HKS '02, makes a public address about Mongolia's peaceful transition into capitalism and Democracy at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum on Friday, September 21.

IOP Panel Discusses Toxins

In honor of environmentalist Rachel Carson’s landmark novel “Silent Spring,” which turns fifty this month, the Harvard Institute of Politics is refocusing energy this week on the persistent danger of chemical exposure that Americans face every day.

Jennie Bowser, John Fund, Tova Wang, and Alex Keyssar discuss the future of voter identification laws in a panel moderated by Trey Grayson (far left), director of the Institute of Politics. The panel, titled "Protecting the Vote" was held Thursday evening in the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum.

IOP Hosts Voter ID Debate

The merits and faults of laws which will require voters in several states to present photo IDs at the polls in November were discussed in a lively debate between four experts at the Institute of Politics.

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