
Local community members mingle in Pforzheimer dining hall yesterday during “Feasting on Faith,” the Harvard College Interfaith Council’s weekly dinner discussion, as part of Interfaith Awareness Week at Harvard.

Religious Networks Promote Happiness

The study—authored by Government Professor Robert D. Putnam and Chaeyoon Lim, an assistant sociology professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison—found that the social experience of religious congregations promotes a sense of happiness and life satisfaction that is stronger than what religious activity alone fosters.

Ahmed Explains Views of Islam in America

In his introduction of Ambassador Ahmed, Associate Director of the Harvard Islamic Studies Program Ali S. Asani ’77 said that the author is “combating this clash of ignorance by educating people.” In his lecture, Ahmed said that after the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001, he knew that “the gap which would open between Muslims and non-Muslims would not be easily closed.”

Outdoor Church Service

The Outdoor Church, which also supports a meal program in the community, serves an estimated 100 to 120 people each week.

Divinity School and Local Churches Give Services for Homeless

Divinity School students have contributed to developing the new program, bolstering the unique combination of public service and spiritual outreach.

Student Groups Commemorate Veterans Day with Nursing Home Outing

In recognition of Veterans Day, a coalition of student groups sponsored a community service outing to a local nursing home, where undergraduates, veterans, and non-veterans spent yesterday afternoon.

Conservative Policies Alienate Youth from Evangelical Protestantism

Harvard Kennedy School professor, Robert D. Putnam, recently published an editorial claiming that conservative views have caused youth to turn away from the Evangelical Protestant church.

30 Mosques in 30 Days

Over the course of 30 days, Aman Ali and Bassam Tariq traveled 13,000 miles, visited 30 states, and prayed at ...

30 Mosques in 30 Days

Bassam Tariq and Aman Ali talk about their 30-day journey to 30 different mosques all over the United States. Tariq and Ali visited 30 different states over their 12,000-mile road trip, which took place during Ramadan of this year.

Student Letter Criticizes Marty Peretz

In response to what student groups considered “racist” and “disturbing” anti-Muslim remarks made by former Harvard professor Martin “Marty” H. Peretz, five student support groups joined to send an open letter to senior administrators in the Committee of Degrees in Social Studies, encouraging the committee not to honor Peretz at its fiftieth-year anniversary celebration.

rosh hashanah-eid event

Students of all different houses enjoy traditional Jewish and Muslim desserts, like honey cakes, traditional South Asian desserts, and baklava, to celebrate Rosh Hashana and Eid holidays in a joint event in the Eliot House JCR yesterday evening.

POSTCARD: Priestly Lessons

I’d been dreaming of swimming through a vast black sea, and in the morning my bed was an island.

POSTCARD: To the Anti-Burqa Taxi Driver

It seems as though it isn’t the “subjugation” of these burqa-wearing women that you really care about—it’s their difference, their “otherness.”


Religion scholar and bestselling author Stephen Prothero speaks at the Harvard Book Store last night about his new book “God Is Not One” in which he seeks to demonstrate how differences in paths leading to the same destination can enrich, not prevent, dialogue and cooperation.

Goldstein Opens Up Religious Discussion in ‘36 Arguments’

“36 Arguments for the Existence of God: A Work of Fiction” doesn’t settle any of the questions it raises, but it certainly edifies, entertains, and provokes.

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