Senior Sagesse

Venn Diagram: Seniors v. Seniors

College seniors and senior citizens have more in common than you might think.


This week, we asked graduating seniors to answer four different questions about their Harvard experiences: we've asked about their regrets, memories, and most scandalous moments. Here's our fourth and final installment of their reflections. What have you learned at Harvard, or what about Harvard has taught you the most?


This week, we asked graduating seniors to answer four different questions about their Harvard experiences: yesterday we asked about what they will remember about college, and on Monday we inquired about their regrets. Here's the third installment of their reflections. What is the most scandalous thing you have done at Harvard?

The Takeaway

This week, we asked graduating seniors to answer four different questions about their Harvard experiences: yesterday, we inquired about their regrets. Here's the second installment of their reflections. Twenty years from now, what will you remember most about your college experience?


With Commencement coming up next week, seniors are making the most of their last few days as Harvard undergraduates. So what do these soon-to-be alumni have to say about their time as college students? We asked graduating seniors to answer four different questions about their Harvard experiences, and over the next few days, we'll be letting you know what they had to say. What do you wish you had done as a Harvard student?

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