
City Manager Huang Urges ‘Moderation of Growth’ to Address Budget Crunch

Cambridge City Manager Yi-An Huang ’05 offered a playbook for addressing the city’s unsustainable budget growth in a Friday interview with The Crimson, suggesting that the city may further raise property taxes and pare back certain city services in fiscal year 2026.

Growing Cambridge Budget Spooks City Leaders

Cambridge pursued ambitious spending programs using an ample flow of federal relief funds and property taxes for several years. But as revenue streams dry up, the city is going to have to take a hard look at its priorities.

Cambridge Allocates $2 Million to 8 City Improvement Projects in Annual Participatory Budgeting

The City of Cambridge announced eight winners of its 10th annual Participatory Budgeting process on Thursday, reporting record-high voter turnout thanks to a new initiative that brought PB into schools.

Cambridge School Committee Adopts Revised FY 2024 Budget Following Parent Input

The Cambridge Public School Committee voted unanimously on Tuesday to adopt a revised fiscal year 2024 budget, while will add additional funding for education paraprofessionals, scaled-up learning time programs, and school improvement budgets at various campuses across the district.

FAS Dean Gay Says She Feels ‘Encouraged’ for the Future of Race-Conscious Admissions After SCOTUS Hearings

After Monday’s Supreme Court hearings for the pair of anti-affirmative action lawsuits, Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean Claudine Gay said she “felt encouraged” that the case for race-conscious admissions “was laid out in a really compelling way” in an interview Wednesday.

Cambridge FY17 Budget Includes Millions for Local Renovations

Cambridge city councillors lauded a recently proposed $574 million city budget for the 2017 fiscal year that appropriated millions of dollars for projects in Harvard Square, and increased educational funding while holding property taxes relatively steady.

Cambridge Residents Vote on $500,000 Participatory Budget

For the city's first participatory budget, Cambridge residents 12 and up will be able to vote on projects proposed by residents for city improvements.

Health Benefits Plan Will ‘Likely’ Change in Future, Committee Members Say

Members of the committee that recommended controversial changes to Harvard’s non-union health benefits plan said it will likely change in the future.

Riding Fundraising Wave, Harvard Posts Small Surplus

Harvard’s small surplus is a move into the black after recent years of deficits large and small. The progress was largely fueled by the first public year of fundraising for the Harvard Campaign.

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