CPS Expects $12 Million Budget Increase in Fiscal Year 2026, Driven by Staff Compensation
Cambridge Public Schools is set to increase its staff salaries and benefits expenditure by $10 million, according to a presentation on the 2026 fiscal year budget at a Jan. 7 School Committee meeting.
City Manager Huang Urges ‘Moderation of Growth’ to Address Budget Crunch
Cambridge City Manager Yi-An Huang ’05 offered a playbook for addressing the city’s unsustainable budget growth in a Friday interview with The Crimson, suggesting that the city may further raise property taxes and pare back certain city services in fiscal year 2026.
Cambridge DSA, Sobrinho-Wheeler Demand Harvard Cough Up $100 Million in PILOT Payments
In the 2023 fiscal year, Harvard paid the City of Cambridge $4.3 million in lieu of property taxes. Some activists — including a sitting city councilor — are demanding the University cough up $96 million more.
Growing Cambridge Budget Spooks City Leaders
Cambridge pursued ambitious spending programs using an ample flow of federal relief funds and property taxes for several years. But as revenue streams dry up, the city is going to have to take a hard look at its priorities.
Cambridge City Council Examines Capital Spending as Cambridge Fire Department Renovations Top $77 Million
The Cambridge City Council asked City Manager Yi-An Huang ’05 to provide an updated cost estimate for capital projects after the renovation of the Fire Station Headquarters reached a total cost of $77 million.
City Council Approves Nearly $1 Billion City Budget, but Cautions Against Further Growth
The Cambridge City Council unanimously passed a nearly $1 billion operating budget and $74 million capital budget for the 2025 fiscal year without major modifications during a meeting Monday evening.
Cambridge City Manager Unveils Nearly $1 Billion 2025 Operating City Budget Proposal
City Manager Yi-An Huang ’05 presented the city’s nearly $1 billion operating budget for fiscal year 2025, along with $36 million in loan order requests and an approximately $74 million capital budget.
Boston City Councilor Breadon Slams Proposed Capital Project Budget for Allston-Brighton
Boston City Councilor Elizabeth A. Breadon slammed the city’s fiscal year 2025 capital budget allocations for Allston-Brighton in an interview Thursday.
Cambridge Police Department Commits to Adopting Body Cameras in FY25
Cambridge Police Commissioner Christine A. Elow committed to implementing body cameras across the department within the 2025 fiscal year during a Cambridge City Council Finance Committee hearing Tuesday.
Cambridge Allocates $2 Million to 8 City Improvement Projects in Annual Participatory Budgeting
The City of Cambridge announced eight winners of its 10th annual Participatory Budgeting process on Thursday, reporting record-high voter turnout thanks to a new initiative that brought PB into schools.
Graduate Student Council Budget ‘Completely Spent,’ Unable to Meet Student Needs
The Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Student Council budget for the 2023-2024 academic year is completely spent, per a budget report released last week.
Rising School Budget Sparks Worries Among Cambridge City Councilors
Rising Cambridge Public Schools budgets sparked worries among some City Councilors and School Committee members during a joint roundtable discussion Monday.
Cambridge City Manager Unveils $882 Million Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Proposal
The Cambridge City Council discussed the fiscal year 2024 budget and a policy order requesting a zoning petition at a meeting Monday.
Cambridge School Committee Adopts Revised FY 2024 Budget Following Parent Input
The Cambridge Public School Committee voted unanimously on Tuesday to adopt a revised fiscal year 2024 budget, while will add additional funding for education paraprofessionals, scaled-up learning time programs, and school improvement budgets at various campuses across the district.
FAS Dean Gay Says She Feels ‘Encouraged’ for the Future of Race-Conscious Admissions After SCOTUS Hearings
After Monday’s Supreme Court hearings for the pair of anti-affirmative action lawsuits, Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean Claudine Gay said she “felt encouraged” that the case for race-conscious admissions “was laid out in a really compelling way” in an interview Wednesday.
Cambridge Forges Ahead with Participatory Budgeting Despite Pandemic
Despite pandemic-related limitations, Cambridge will proceed with its annual round of participatory budgeting, City Manager Louis A. DePasquale said in a press release last week.
Athletics Halts Capital Projects, Considers Further Budget Cuts
In the face of a financial crisis, Harvard Athletics has deferred all capital projects and is considering other cost-cutting moves.
UC Allocates Wintersession Funds, Retain Full Control Over Eligibility
The UC voted to allocate $15,000 to student programming during Wintersession — the period marking the last 10 days of winter break — at its meeting Sunday.
Medical School Will Sell Some Property to Alleviate Debt
“The hope is that the proceeds from the sale of that building will allow us to pay off a significant part of our debt," Medical School Dean George Q. Daley ’82 said.
Cambridge FY17 Budget Includes Millions for Local Renovations
Cambridge city councillors lauded a recently proposed $574 million city budget for the 2017 fiscal year that appropriated millions of dollars for projects in Harvard Square, and increased educational funding while holding property taxes relatively steady.
Kennedy School Fellow Proposes Reforms to the T
The report, authored by Charles Chieppo, a fellow at the Ash Center, outlines several steps that the transportation service should take to reduce costs and increase ridership
Cambridge Residents Vote on $500,000 Participatory Budget
For the city's first participatory budget, Cambridge residents 12 and up will be able to vote on projects proposed by residents for city improvements.
Health Benefits Plan Will ‘Likely’ Change in Future, Committee Members Say
Members of the committee that recommended controversial changes to Harvard’s non-union health benefits plan said it will likely change in the future.
Riding Fundraising Wave, Harvard Posts Small Surplus
Harvard’s small surplus is a move into the black after recent years of deficits large and small. The progress was largely fueled by the first public year of fundraising for the Harvard Campaign.