

The Prep School Negro

Director Discusses "The Prep School Negro"

At a screening of the documentary “The Prep School Negro” on Wednesday night, students, faculty members, and the film’s director Andre Robert Lee discussed the questions of race, class, and the ivory tower.

The Prep School Negro
On Campus

The Prep School Negro

"The Prep School Negro" screening this Wednesday evening at Emerson Hall draws a large turn-out. Strong emotions and roaring laughter have filled the room during the movie, and the discussion followed.



Judges Dredd (Karl Urban) and Anderson (Olivia Thirlby) serve as judge, jury and executioner in Director Pete Travis’s movie adaptation of the popular comic book series, “Judge Dredd.”

On Campus

What Were We Thinking? Hitchcock Versus Polanski Versus Hunter

Current Crimson Arts editor Petey E. Menz '15 takes issue with an appraisal of Roman Polanski's films by former Arts editor Tim M. Hunter '68.


Karl Urban Lays Down the Law

Karl Urban, star and eponymous Judge in "Dredd 3D," talks about his organic, gravelly voice, the costume, and the existential philosophizing that made the man.


Cop Thriller is a Satisfying ‘Watch’

Even though "End of Watch" features number of violent scenes, it's the bond created between Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña that truly sticks.



In David Ayer’s “End of Watch," Brian Taylor (Jake Gyllenhall) and Mike Zavala (Michael Peña) star as two LAPD officers who unknowingly disrupt a drug cartel’s operations.


‘Master’ More Than A Cult Classic

Due to Philip Seymour Hoffman and Joaquin Pheoenix as well as a revelatory score, "The Master" is of such high quality that it’s impossible not to get drunk on its strength



In Paul Thomas Anderson’s “The Master," Freddie Quell (Joaquin Phoenix) struggles to adapt to post World War II society and joins a philosophical movement called “The Cause.”



Pictured are Rob Corddry as Ethan Emmett and Alicia Silverstone as Jill Emmett in “Butter.”


Fall Brings Horror and Blood

The Fall movie season brings grit in "Killing Them Softly" and "The Paperboy" as well as the ethereal stylings of "Cloud Atlas." Plus, RPatz.


Faust Embarks on Speaking Tour

Harvard University President Drew G. Faust has fought for immigration rights and brought the Reserve Officers’ Training Corp back to campus. And with the Tuesday premier of “Death and the Civil War,” an adaption of her book, she will extend her presence to the world of TV.


Weak Plot Hemmorhages "Vampire Hunter"

The film, curiously enough, vastly overreaches, and doesn't convincingly grapple with the question of slavery and the Civil War



Vampire Hunter Abraham Lincoln (Benjamin Walker) battles Vadoma (Erin Wasson), as Adam (Rufus Sewell) watches. The film portrays Lincoln as a man devoted to hunting vampires.


"The Words" Stumbles Over Sentimentality

Despite selling a film whose premise and bill reasonably suggest a good movie, the directors’ screen-time emphasis on canned emotional responses sadly distract from any larger moral to be gained.
