


Rejected Summer Funding Proposals

Here are a few summer proposals we’re almost positive that the OCS has received, and no doubt rejected, in the past.


Snow Days by Concentration

Now that everyone has frolicked sufficiently, snow days have become a time for learned contemplation. FM considers how students of various concentrations can best use their time off.


Valentine's Day Gift Guide

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, those of us (i.e. not me) in relationships might be curious as to what to give their special someone. Luckily, I am an expert gift giver.


Hate It: Clover

I’m standing in Clover. I look at the menu, a confusing flurry of new age mumbo jumbo. It tells me the wait time for various dishes, proving to me that Clover has never learned the lesson that my dad’s frown taught me in fifth grade: keep expectations low.


How To Ask Out Your TF

Hi (name of super hot TF)

Clover Pushpir Sandwich

Love It: Clover

I strode into Clover for the first time, tasked with penning an eloquent ode to the young coffee shop. It provides a community, a space for congregation, for this group of artistes.

Student Life

Regarding My Future Unemployment

Dear extended relatives, family friends, former English teachers, gynecologists, and my brother’s roommates and their extended relatives, I am very tired of answering the same questions about my future, over and over. And I know, for the most part, you have only been asking to be polite, to make conversation, or so that you can compare me to your daughter (she wins, okay, she wins!). So to streamline the process I have compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions (and their answers) about my future and career goals.


Love It: Ugly Christmas Sweaters

People who hate on ugly Christmas sweater parties are the same people who hate on Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber: people just love to hate on things that are a tiny bit tacky and enormously popular.


15 Least Interesting Classes

Like Forrest Gump would’ve said if he’d gotten the chance, course selection at Harvard is like a box of chocolates. That Gen Ed could turn out to be filled with sweet, melty caramel—or funky raspberry syrup. That off-the-wall VES elective could be luscious dark chocolate right to the core, or a flavorless layer of brown barely covering a hollow center. Avoid some unpleasant surprises this spring: don’t bite into any of the duds below.

Venn Diagram: PTP vs. PCP

Venn Diagram: PTP vs. PCP

Both are useless for decision-making.

Venn Diagram: PTP vs. PCP
Folklore and Mythology

Venn Diagram: PTP vs. PCP

Venn Diagram: PTP vs. PCP


Harvard Exports to Yale

The interuniversity trade routes between Yale and Harvard opened earlier this month by the proclamation of CS50’s export to Yale College, which is in Connecticut. This is no small step. CS50 is the best bioweapon we have engineered. With its t-shirts and free stuff, we are hopeful that it will divide the Yale campus into two groups: those who wear the “I took CS50” T-shirts, and those who do not. But this export should not be the last one by any means. FM considers other authentic items that Harvard has to offer to this time-honored rival for its betterment:


Section Leader Sass

While our TFs always try to be helpful, sometimes their generous advice comes in the form of pure brutality. Every now and then, we get a paper back and the unforgiving red ink is more honest than we needed it to be. Because it happens way too often, FM takes another look at some of our TFs’ greatest hits in the genre of mean comments.

Food and Drink

Four Dollar Wine Critic: Okay, Cupid, Alright, Already

Online dating is a thing people do. I have yet to personally do it, because my love style tends to go something like: meet random person making acerbic jokes about American racial politics; fall into deep soul-macerating love; lose all sense of self and world; have visited upon me the devastation that yea indeed was loosed upon Sodom and Gomorrah; rinse, and repeat.

Food and Drink

A Guide for You Yale Visitors

Hi, Yale friends. It can be hard navigating the Harvard social scene (though not as hard as navigating the New Haven crime scene). FM came up with some tips that should help you have a good time after The Game.
