
Around Town

People's Republik Painting
Around Town

People's Republik Painting

A painting in the style of “The Last Supper,” featuring historic patrons, hangs on a wall at the People’s Republik.

Pop Up Bookstore

Pop Up Bookstore

Books line up near the window of the Consumer Research Center/bookshop, an exhibit at the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts


Cosplaying the Field

Bringing a new kind of cultural flair to an otherwise average March weekend, Anime Boston is a three-day convention located at the Hynes Convention Center and Sheraton Boston.

Around Town


Sharanya Pulapura '19 and Davis M. Lazowski '19 pose as characters from the web comic "Homestuck" outside Matthews Hall after returning from their third day at the convention.

Queen's Head Pub
Food and Drink

The Colledge Scene

While John Harvard’s life was about as glamorous as his statue’s left foot, he has certainly managed to leave his mark. His most obvious legacy is a small college in Boston (well, not in Boston, near Boston), but some of his influences are a little more subtle. Among them is the Cambridge Queen’s Head Pub.

People's Republik Painting
Food and Drink

A Drink to the Revolution: People's Republik

Nestled on the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Lee St., People’s Republik, a Russian Communist-themed bar, has a startling exterior. Blood-red walls are streaked with lines of yellow and black, and they serve as canvases for huge murals.

Around Town

Riding Out of Time at ‘Hamilton’ SoulCycle

One had to wonder, of course, just how much POC-“Hamilton”-struggle was really going on in this room. And as the song “Helpless” cued, the messy knot of racial, socioeconomic, and gender politics only continued to tighten.

Around Town


Around Town

A Curator with a Cause

Kitty Zen is one of almost 70 artists associated with ArtLifting, an online gallery that sells work by homeless and disabled individuals.

Puppet Showplace

Pulling Strings

Believe it or not, there is a robust puppetry community in Boston, and the people behind Puppet Showplace offer them a place to perform their art.

Around Town


Around Town


Around Town


BBP member Jacques Chouinard displays battle scars from the time he “broke the shit out of my arm” playing bike polo.

Around Town


Members of the Boston Bike Polo club play an afternoon game of bike polo on the Smith Field park hockey court in Allston.


Not for the Faint Hearted

At first, only two men in their late twenties chat softly in the park, nursing beers as they stand by the hammocks. Slowly, more begin to arrive, bringing lime-flavored sports drinks, roommates, girlfriends, hard liquor shots, and bikes.
