required reading

Mavens Kosher Court

Maven—the Hebrew word for expert—easily describes Alan M. Dershowitz in the courtrooms where he has defended Mike Tyson, O.J. Simpson, and Julian Assange. However, while his unwavering standards for quality pastrami on rye may be as staunch as his support for First Amendment rights, opening a deli was a case he had yet to encounter.

What Does Your Favorite Harvard Square Cafe Say About You?

You can tell a lot about a person from their choices. The books they choose to read willingly, what you can find on their Facebook newsfeed, or their favorite student grill order. But since we’re fortunate enough Harvard Square and Cambridge in general has so many cafés to choose from, why not learn more about yourself and your friends through the places you use to get all the caffeine you need to survive the day?

Battle of the Squares: Central Square

“Imma let you finish, but Central Square is the greatest square of all time,” Kanye West once said. Okay, that's not exactly what he said, but the point is that Central Square is seriously cool and deserves to be called one of the greatest Squares of Cambridge.

How to Start Your Work this Late in the Game

It’s already the fourth week of school and you’re just realizing that you have work to do. From piling p-sets to enormous essays, it would have probably been better to start readings from the beginning. But if you’re reading this, it might not be too late to get started on all your work from classes.

What to Wear: Harvard-Yale

It’s that most wonderful time of year again: The Game is upon us. You’ve bought your tickets, luckily found which buses, trains or automobiles you’ll be taking, and have barely figured out where you’re going to stay. Eight years in a row we’ve beaten them at football, and now it’s time for Harvard students to once again dominate on and off the field.

Faculty Dinner Talking Points

So how does one navigate a conversation about that statistics class for which you’ve never attended lecture? How do you display intellectual curiosity when you can’t remember the last time you did assigned readings, much less picked up a book featured in the New York Times? Never fear, for Flyby has you covered:

Avoiding a Cold in the Cold Weather

Yes, everyone, it’s that time of year again. Cold weather is crashing down on Harvard’s campus, and no one is safe. Not your professor, not section kid, not even the cute crush in your class. As sore throats and runny noses ravage the historic halls of Harvard, Flyby is here to provide some tips so you can stay healthy enough to procrastinate before your next exam.

PSA: Add/Drop Period Without a Fee Ends Today

It’s the deadline for adding or dropping classes without incurring a fee today, so after midnight tonight you’ll need instructor permission to add a course, and you’ll be charged $10 each day a change is made you make to your study card.

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