Crimson staff writer

Tree A. Palmedo

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Hang the DJ

When was the last time you danced? Like, really danced—none of that timid head-bobbing or casual side-stepping that people do these days. That shit reeks of non-commitment. I know it can be hard to put yourself out there when everyone’s playing it cool, trying to look composed in front of the cute girl with the done-up hair. But there’s something electric about a humming dance floor packed just tightly enough with bodies, human limbs let fully loose, motions dictated purely by the pulsating vibrations of the music.

“Rave Tapes” Unveils a Subdued and Matured Mogwai

"Rave Tapes" ushers in the New Year not with a bang, as the band might have done in the old days, but with a collection of mostly slow-burning compositions that add subtle new flavors to their traditional formula.

Top 7 Pop Culture Trees

Incoming campus arts executive Tree A. Palmedo is, in fact, named Tree A. Palmedo.