
Adaner Usmani

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The Revolution in Venezuela

According to many commentators on Latin American politics, the failure of last week’s referendum on proposed amendments to the Venezuelan

An Anti-Capitalist Primer

To the majority of my fellow Social Analysis 10, “Principles of Economics” veterans, I must already sound truly irrational, even

No More Fallujah’s

Over half a century ago, in 1955, the British governor of Kenya, speaking during the infamous Mau Mau uprising, pleaded

From Politicking to Politics

Last week, governor Deval Patrick hosted a fantastically well-attended rally for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. There, speaking to a crowd

Rethinking Terror

Throughout the last several years, the American-led “War on Terror” has engendered impassioned debate. In this country, Congress has been

Against Leadership

In her opening remarks this past September, President Faust welcomed first-years to America’s “most accomplished” and “most iconic” university. In