
Christopher Jencks

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Universities 'On the Make' Emphasize Production Line of Scholarly Research

American education is sick, sick, sick. Everybody knows the symptoms: student ignorance and apathy, graduate incompetence and irresponsibility, and of

Pres. Conant, Adm. Rickover: 2 Prescriptions for Our Time

Ever since the eighteenth century American idealists have proposed that education could remedy any and all human maladies. Confronted with

Higher Education for Women; Problem in the Marketplace

The ink is just beginning to dry on the pages of academic history which record the rise of higher education

The Advocate

It ill behooves one senior to take another to task for writing badly on the eve of our departure into

The Advocate

Enjoying the Advocate is all a matter of expectation. Those who expect professional competence or quasi-professional methods are almost always

Farnsworth Eulogizes Mental Health Movement, But Suggests Nothing New

It is hardly fair to criticize a book for not achieving something its author never intended, but it is still

The Exeter Man: Rebel Without a Cause

Mr. Jencks graduated from the Phillips Exeter Academy in 1954. During his senior year, he was President of the Exonian,


"Nobody in the North understands this business." The drawl was unmistakable, straight from South Carolina. "You all seem to think

Christian Education And The Idea of a Religious Revival

THE CHRISTIAN IDEA OF EDUCATION, a seminar at Kent School, including papers and discussions by Stephen F. Bayne, Jr., Georges