Summer Postcards 2019

Summer Postcard: Starcrew

I sought to take a picture of this very moment, to leave an imprint to look back upon, but I realized that no attempt at photographic mimesis could ever capture the boundless freedom and comfort I experienced.

Summer Postcard: Back in Time

I felt a little twinge of sadness I couldn’t explain at first. It was the twinge of realizing, while I was in it, that this moment would become a memory — something I could never recreate in exactly the same way again.

Summer Postcard: Humility

These structures and monuments are impressive, enduring, and timeless, designed and set as allusions to the very country they represent. But more than symbols, they also serve an important purpose: They remind you how insignificant you are.

Summer Postcard: Packing for the Final Trip

The family convened at his house in the aftermath to put everything in order. And it was in this ordering that I found a certain treasure, buried in a messy kitchen-table-tableau of dead pens and toast crumbs and slung-open scientific journals.

Summer Postcard: Boba in Vietnam

My students evinced a desire to change the status quo and a genuine belief in their capacity to effect change. When they grow up and become the generation in power, they told me, their views will rein.

Summer Postcard: Wasting Away

Japan doesn’t need trash cans in the streets because their alternative to public bins isn’t littering. They care for their communities in the best way possible: keeping them clean.

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