bad influences

Scandal: UC Election Edition

After weeks of twiddling their thumbs and amusing themselves with passing and petty political happenings like the national midterm elections, Harvard students finally have the chance to engage something that matters: the Undergraduate Council presidential race.

Harvard Histories: Scandal in the Yard

In four centuries, much has changed. And yet, though tomato basil ravioli soup has waxed and male-only Puritan minister training has waned, one thing has remained the constant since Harvard’s inception: the University’s penchant for news-making scandal.

10 Observations From Hempfest

In case you missed Hempfest this weekend (Sept. 13 and 14), here are some of the highlights from the twenty minutes we spent observing. If you like what you read (what?), don’t worry, it’ll happen again next year.

Welcome 2018! Here’s Your Guide to Not F*cking Up

First off, congratulations: You’ve entered Week 2 of freshmen year at Harvard. The study cards are in, you’ve had the obligatory PAF froyo/JP Licks date, and if you’re really on your game, you even have a few friends you can group text for dinner!

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