
What to Expect When You're Expecting Winter

Dear guys who for some reason are still wearing salmon shorts and sandals: it’s nearly winter. Temperatures are dropping, and the weather is progressively getting bleaker and bleaker, so get ready to start using that second pair of leggings.

Au Revoir to Au Bon Pain

When Yenching shut down, we shed a couple of tears. When Panera closed suddenly, it felt like we lost a very close friend. But now that Au Bon Pain is closing down, I think we have gone numb.

Five Things to Do If (When) You Get Bored over Winter Break

Most of your friends are probably going to head back to their schools in the next week or so. And you still have 3 long weeks of winter break left. You’re starting to get...dare I say it? BORED. If this is you, keep on reading because flyby has the solutions for you.

Avoiding a Cold in the Cold Weather

Yes, everyone, it’s that time of year again. Cold weather is crashing down on Harvard’s campus, and no one is safe. Not your professor, not section kid, not even the cute crush in your class. As sore throats and runny noses ravage the historic halls of Harvard, Flyby is here to provide some tips so you can stay healthy enough to procrastinate before your next exam.

HarvardKey: An Eagerly Anticipated Wait

​No more counting down the days and hours (we know, we know, it was eagerly anticipated) until changes are finally made to the Harvard PIN system login screen, because the much-anticipated date of September 22 is finally almost here. Or so we thought.

BREAKING: Snow Update from the Dean of Student Life

We continue to monitor the severe weather expected this coming week, and appreciate your patience and support in the face of curtailed services. Our dining hall staff across the houses, as you have experienced, have performed valiantly under constrained circumstances. That being said, tonight’s dinner entrée will be swai, and you’re going to like it. Tomorrow’s entrées will be swai. And you’re going to like it, again.

The Quintessential Harvard Valentine's Day

8:30 a.m. – I wake up decidedly single. Blinking sleep from my bleary eyes, I realize that I am also completely bereft of plans for the day. And more shockingly: bereft of chocolate. One of these things is an immediate must-fix (it's the chocolate).

New Year's Resolutions: Expectations vs. Reality

To avoid the crushing disappointment you’ll experience when you inevitably break those highly unrealistic goals two weeks into the semester, we’ve compiled a list of your resolutions, along with the ways that they’re doomed to play out.

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