fm highlight

The Dilemma of the Student Philanthropist

College-aged nonprofit founders face hurdles beyond time management — with less than 22 years of life experience, they grapple with the challenges of defining a philanthropic mission, navigating thorny legal procedures, and organizing projects and employees.

The Passing of the FM Torch

CORDELIA F. MENDEZ ’16 , Chair I’m not going to say Cordelia F. Mendez ’16 could run the world, but I’m confident that she could at least run the country. That’s because Cordelia is easily one of the most competent people you will ever meet. And if you haven’t met her yet, then you should, because she is as smiley and friendly as she is capable.

15 Things FM Taught Us This Year

This year, we learned some things that you should know.

Erotic Exotic

Sometimes, I’ll switch the order to “Korean and Lebanese” if I get an inkling of a certain fever. Or I’ll just say half-Korean, all depending on the read. This isn’t my first time at the ethnically ambiguous rodeo.

Choose Your Own Dinner With Grandma

Choose your own adventure with a Thanksgiving twist. Where will yours lead?

The Word: Yard

My family had recently moved to the United States. We lived in a beige condominium in Bergen County, the most mundanely bourgeois county in New Jersey. It was surrounded by nothing but stretches of concrete. My parents, not too familiar with English themselves, wondered how they were supposed to immerse me in the English language.

Comping Creativity

​When high school seniors open their acceptance letters to Harvard, they are invited to attend one of the world’s most exclusive institutions. But when students who decide to matriculate arrive on campus as freshmen, they find a whole new set of exclusive institutions with their own barriers to entry. Getting into Harvard doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll feel at home here.

A Little Racist Knife: The AAA Challenges the Pudding

​As dusk descended on the Ides of March, 1980, Michael T. Hsieh ’80 distributed leaflets outside the neo-Georgian façade of the New College Theater, now known as Farkas Hall. He and other members of Harvard’s Asian-American Association gathered to protest the Hasty Pudding Theatricals’ use of a perceived racist character, Edgar Foo Yung, in their 1980 production, “A Little Knife Music.”

A Conversation with Alicia Garza

On Oct. 30 in Memorial Church, Alicia Garza—the special projects director for the National Domestic Workers Alliance and the co-founder of the #BlackLivesMatter network—gave the Ninth Annual Robert Coles “Call of Service” Lecture. She discussed her thoughts on #BlackLivesMatter, the transformative power of resistance, and how the call of service must be redefined. Afterward, there was a brief press period for reporters.

Native Americans at Harvard

Dating back to its original charter, the University committed itself to the “education of the English and Indian youth of this country.” Since then, Harvard, with the help of the small yet formidable population of Native American students on campus today, has been working to follow through on its stated purpose and responsibility.

Coordinates: Huntsville, Al.

The drive from Huntsville to Atlanta takes somewhere between three and a half and four hours, depending on how backed up I-75 is, and how scenic you’re looking to get.

Special Concentration Quiz

Take a look at these special concentrations—paired with thesis titles—to pick out the real from the fake, and the special from the non-special.

Farnsworth Room Oddities

Here are some of Farnsworth’s finest and strangest, available now for your reading pleasure.

Cry Me a (Charles) River

Not many people study crying. But we do. It’s not weird. For our research, we ventured into the field to observe criers in their natural habitats. What follows are our findings on where people cry and why. We also give some advice for those not yet experienced in the art of Harvard crying.

FM Imagines: Drew Faust's Personal Emails

FM delves into the wacky (imaginary) inbox of University President Drew G. Faust.

Their Own House

About two percent of Harvard undergraduates, or 120 students, live off-campus. These off-campus students have, for various reasons, elected to opt out of the Residential House system, which administrators have called a “cornerstone” of Harvard’s undergraduate experience.

Thesis or Not?

As the frenzied thesis season draws to a close and many seniors take a look at the sky again for the first time in weeks, FM examines offbeat thesis titles of yesteryear.

Drinky Drink: Housing Day

Housing Day is right around the corner, folks, and we all know what that means. That’s right, it means it’s time for all of you freshmen to gather in your blocking groups, the formation of which has been causing you to stress eat for the past few weeks, and sacrifice some cuddly baby animals in an ancient voodoo ritual to appease the Housing Day gods.

Teen Mag Quiz: Where is Your Missing Coat?

We’ve all seen that desperate Facebook post. You know, the one that reads something like this: “I lost my black Canada Goose jacket, size medium, this weekend! FM has developed a tried-and-true method for locating said article of clothing.

Teen Mag Quiz: What Campus Cafe is Your Spirit Animal?

It’s February. It’s cold. It’s early enough in the semester that your BoardPlus shouldn’t have run out. I have $108 left due to overwhelming self-discipline. It’s time to cozy up in a café.

Coordinates: Sound Spaces

This is a quiet that breathes.

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